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QCTG Axial Glass Type NTC Thermistor
release time:2018-5-17  Views:539

1. Product Introduction
QCTG series thermistor is the thermistor chip through the axial pressure contact with the two leads, while the chip is sealed in the glass tube, with high precision, high reliability, can be used for high temperature (≤ 250 °C) , high humidity and other harsh environments.
2. Application range
Air conditioning, refrigerators, washing machines, microwave ovens, mobile phone batteries, office automation equipment, electric ovens, coffee furnaces, induction cookers, drinking fountains and other electrical temperature detection and control.
3. Shape and size
4. Product code description

QC T G 103 F 3470


.Representing a group of sensor materials

. Representative NTC thermistor
. Represents an axial glass seal structure
. Representative nominal resistance R25:103 is 10KΩ
. Representative allowable resistance deviation code: F is ±1%; G is ±2%; H is ±3%; J is ±5%
. Representative B value 25/50°C: 3470K

5. 5. The main technical parameters Rated zero-power resistance range (R25): 1 ~ 200 KΩ

. Resistance tolerance: ±1%; ±2%; ±3%; ±5%; ±10%
.B range (25/50°C): 3200 to 4300K
.B value tolerance: ±0.5%; ±1%; ±2%
. Dissipation factor: ≥1.3mw/°C (in static air)
. Thermal time constant: ≤20s (in static air)
. Operating temperature range: -50~+250°C

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